UTCS Blue Oyster Flavour
UTCS Blue Oyster Flavour
£16.95 inc. tax

This additive was originally developed to be used with the Blue Oyster base mix and although that is still very much the case, Nutrabaits’ users have not been slow to recognise the fact that it is a terrific smell and more importantly taste carp and Barbel find hard to resist that is makes it ideal for any number of other base mixes.

Simply add  at 6-10ml of Blue Oyster per 500g base mix.

This is now the number one choice of liquid attractor for many Nutrabaits users in Trigga, Trigga Ice and Big Fish Mix.


£16.95 inc. tax
Product Code: rw7aP49
weight: 150.0g
Product Condition: New
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